Moving Blogs

moving tips

Moving Could be a bit Stressful but here are a few things you could do to make it Less Stressful, Save Time, and Save Money.

Organize Your Belongings

Pack all your belongings way ahead of the Move day. Start packing around 30 days before Move day and Avoid leaving stuff to the last minute. Being organized could be the difference between a 6 hours move and a 4 hours move

Re-use Boxes

Packing your belongings require boxes and most times requires a lot more boxes than estimate and boxes cost a lot of money. So to save money, try grabbing a few boxes each time you go to a Grocery store. this will save you a lot of money.

Avoid using trash bags for packing as this could be mistaken as trash by Family and friends helping out or the movers. And if you do pack in trash bags, let the movers know this before the moving starts.

Plan Your Move

Plan your move way ahead of time, this involves getting in contact with the moving company, making sure you have enough supplies, getting a sitter for your lovely pets, arranging your transportation, and getting the keys to the new house.

Keep Your Movers Updated

Keep your movers in the loop, Call ahead of time to confirm the necessary information. You don’t want your movers going to the wrong address or arriving at the wrong time. Call your movers if the moving date changes so they can make the necessary arrangement to accommodate you. And on Move day, show the movers around the house and tell them what’s going to the new house and what’s not. This saves a lot of time as they wouldn’t have to ask you every time what’s going and what’s not.

Label Everything

Properly label your belongings and label them in the language that the movers will understand.

What to write on the Label

           Item Destination:    Bedroom, Garage, Living Room, Kitchen …

           Specify if the Item is Fragile?

Utilize wardrobe boxes

​Try using wardrobe boxes to pack your clothes. This saves space and protects the clothes from any wrinkles. 

Find out your Condo or Apartment Rule
Moving into an Apartment/Condo is different from moving into a house so find out your condo rules and regulation before the move day. Some Condos don’t allow move-in on a certain day or at a certain time and some require the service elevator to be booked way ahead of the move. Finding out this information will make your move run smoothly.

Make Inventory List

Make a list of your belongings so you have a way of keeping track of them.

Stay Green

And Above all, after the move is done. Recycle used boxes, save them for your next move or give it to a friend who is planning a move and make sure to share these moving tips.

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